In the past, the impossible love of Tahir has been told, with Nefes escaping from the persecution of the man whose money was sold in the past and taking refuge in the Black Sea with his child, and his family's great reaction because he protected him.
小桀的父亲是名顶级猎人,却在他很小时就离开了他。多年后,天资聪慧生性善良的他也决定成为一名猎人,并借此去寻找素未谋面的父亲。 在考取猎人证的过程中,小桀结识了杀手家族出身的奇犽,火眼睛族的唯一幸存者库拉皮卡和想要成为救济穷人的医生的雷欧力。并且和西索,一个视强者为猎物的神秘魔术师形成亦敌亦友的关系。 经过重重考验,小桀顺利拿到猎人证,可是对与小桀来说,考验才刚刚开始。
The history of Danish country church architecture is told by showing scenes of how the church was used by the congregation, beginning with the celebration of mass in a small and simple wooden church 800 years ago, and ending with the congregation singing in a village church of to-day. The development and the growth of the pattern of church architecture is shown. Dreyer in this film shows a series of churches from different periods with churchgoers in period clothing. Each period is separated by a shot of a church bell double-exposed on the sky. Although the film has a vibrant and instructive way of communicating the different epochs and styles to students, it does not exhibit the artistic quality that usually distinguishes a Dreyer film, except perhaps in some of the costumes, which were originally made for Day of Wrath. The board of Dansk Kulturfilm in autumn 1945 decided that their planned church film would exclusively be about village churches. Dreyer would rework the script that was written by editor and folk high-school principal Bernhard Jensen, aided by a committee of experts consisting of architect H. Lønborg-Jensen and Victor Hermansen, curator at the National Museum of Denmark. Dreyer had a first draft ready in mid-March, entitled Kirken er et gammelt Hus (The Church Is an Old House), which was distributed to the members of the committee for their comments. In the last half of July, Dreyer and Victor Hermansen travelled the country to look at suitable churches. They researched the details and at Dreyer’s request a number of technical changes were made to the churches, including the removal of porcelain holders for electrical wiring in Tveje Merløse Church. On 4 July, Dreyer went in advance to Ringkøbing. Shooting was set to start a few days later with the arrival of the director of photography, Preben Frank, who had fallen off a ladder and broken his leg, Fortunately, he was ready to cautiously start working again within a few days, with his leg in a cast. Otherwise, the production went without a glitch. Everywhere, Dreyer said, they were well received at the vicarages and they had no problem getting enough extras. On 1 august, they returned to Copenhagen with almost all their footage in the can. They only needed to film the church in Skelby, where the weather had been against them, plus a Swedish wooden church in Hedared. The economy was distressed so soon after the war, especially when it came to foreign currency, but there were no real wooden churches left in Denmark and building an interior set in the studio would be too expensive. The finished film was shown for the first time on 24 September 1947 to a small, closed circle, which included the Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs. In December 1947, as was Dansk Kulturfilm’s standard practice, the film was presented to the press, politicians and others on a programme with four other short films.
2025年,战争结束的一年后,乌克兰军人塞吉回到现实生活。创伤后的日子并不容易,工厂主管嫌弃、同袍轻生、关厂失业,连家裡的熨斗都不管用,只能在野外猛射人形靶发洩。失业的他因缘际会加入挖寻军人遗体的「黑色鬱金香」计画,认识了志工卡蒂亚,在荒芜废地挖掘的同时,也像掏挖著满是创伤的自己,打开被战争所侵蚀的腐肉,希冀能长出生存的勇气。 乌克兰与俄罗斯间的战争带来空前生态灾难,导演以独特的镜头语言、惊人的场景与摄影,为人物打造出剧场般的舞台。以满佈地雷的区域、废弃的矿场与工厂污染的土地与水源,突显人们面对冰冷的战后景况,是如何的渺小而无用。片中更巧妙植入前苏联名导狄嘉维托夫作品,搬演一齣讽刺幽默的冷调人生。 「在乌克兰,你必须当个乐观主义者。」——瓦伦廷瓦夏诺维奇
八岁的小男孩奥达尔(Oran Creagh 饰)迷恋上了他的二年级老师佩蒂小姐(Olga Wehrly 饰),便花掉自己所有的零花钱买了一只玩具戒指向老师求婚,老师将其当成一个有趣的礼物收下。然而一天,奥达尔发现老师的手上有了一枚新戒指,因为她即将与未婚夫结婚了。怅然若失的奥达尔心中开始酝酿一个骇人的念头,就像他所爱的所有西部牛仔电影一样,他约了佩蒂小姐的未婚夫明日放学后一决生死,后者答应了并开始嘲讽这个滑稽的男孩,直到奥达尔真的从书包里掏出一把枪……
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