Gordon, 28, an aspiring animator, leaves his home in Oregon to sell his ideas to Hollywood. After being told, correctly, that they are quite possibly the most stupid ideas ever and that he needs to spend time rethinking them, he moves back home. But his father, never a kind man, escalates his mean treatment of his rather unconventional son. Meanwhile, Gord has fallen for Betty, an attractive doctor at the hospital where his friend is staying; she happens to use a wheelchair, and to delight in having her paralyzed legs beaten with a bamboo cane; her sexual aggression intimidates him. Gord's family goes to a psychiatrist, and he lies to her that his father molests Gord's brother, Freddy; Gord neglects to mention that Freddy is 25. Soon, Gordon has the house to himself, and comes up with a winning animated series, "Zebras in America" based on his own family. All this is really a framework on which Tom Green hangs his usual crazy stunts. Tom Green plays Gord Brody, a slacker who dreams of becoming an animator for cartoon shows. He is forced to move back in with his parents, but then refuses to leave. Along the way, he sexually pleasures various farm animals, licks open flesh wounds, accuses his father of molesting his brother, goes scuba diving in a toilet, plays an organ with several sausages attached to it which are suspended in midair, and does a bunch of other stuff that is too insane, offensive, disgusting, or weird to be mentioned here. 好食懶飛搞搞震,氣得父親“紮紮”跳 !電視搞笑高手湯格連自編自導自演處女作! 終日游手好閒,已經廿八歲了,一直夢想成為荷里活卡通片動畫大師的葛,終於有機會一嚐夢想的工作,但只是暫時性,跟著又跑去芝士工廠做無聊的工作。最後,葛決定回到家去,但父親占士則希望他能長大成熟點,搬離他們,像弟弟法迪般,找一份像樣的工作。葛與父親占士因此事展開父子大戰,葛想出不少古靈精怪的方法來氣父親,弄得占士七竅生煙,使人捧腹大笑……
该片是根据臭名昭著的1993年Bre-X金矿公司诈骗案创作的。 Bre-X金矿公司是一家在地下室里建立的加拿大金矿公司,1989年7月在亚伯达省证券交易所上市,当时只是每股约25分的垃圾股。后来该公司买下了印尼矿山的开采权,通过往岩石中掺金粉的做法,他们营造了该矿山的矿石含金量极高的假象,该公司股票的价钱于是如脱缰野马,至1996年4月,他们的股价已飞飙至200元。1996年10月,Bre-X金矿公司诈骗的行径遭到曝光,但成千上万的股民的资产早已落入了该公司创始人、地质师等人的腰包里。 《金矿》的故事讲述了马修·麦康纳饰演的现代勘探家肯尼·威尔斯渴望开探到一块大矿。在这个梦想指引下,威尔斯协同一个同样运气欠佳的地质学家进行了一次孤注一掷的探险——去往印度尼西亚一片未知的雨林深处寻找金矿。布莱丝·达拉斯·霍华德将饰演麦康纳角色的女朋友凯,凯始终支持男友的勘探事业,但是两人的关系在这次寻找金矿的过程中受到了严峻的考验。
The amazing career of master magician Harry Houdini is presented from his beginnings with a carnival "wild man" act to his emergence as an internationally-acclaimed illusionist, From his dramatic escape from a locked safe under the frozen Detroit River to an even more improbable one from a locked cell in Scotland Yard, he never failed to please and astound his audiences. Althou...
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