Chandler and Miles attend the launch of Buchan’s book on murders in Whitechapel where they are baffled by cryptic remarks made by an eccentric old lady Louise Iver. At the same time elderly vagrant Alexander Zukanov is lured to a house with strange markings on the wall where he is pressed to death, giving the name Dorothy Cade to his killer before he dies. Miles and Chandler visit Zukanov’s doss-house and learn that the other occupants were frightened of him and regarded him as a warlock. Buchan confirms that he was a member of the Bulgarian secret service and Stella Knight from MI6 names him as having been an interrogator of former British spy Crispin Wingfield. Wingfield is questioned but released though he tells the police that the manner of Zukanov’s death was a punishment for witches in the sixteenth century. Meanwhile Dorothy Cade, living with her sister Cecilia, is also murdered, burnt at the stake like a medieval witch.
Nan-hie and Min-hie have been best friends for years. Despite their different economic status, they share many things in common--including taste in men. Their friendship becomes strained after Min-hie learns that Nan-hie has been sleeping with the former's husband .
科特兹是一家建于上个世纪的神秘酒店,原来的老板马奇(埃文·彼得斯 Evan Peters 饰)死于非命后酒店就染上了一层神秘色彩。如今的老板伯爵夫人(Lady Gaga 饰)与她的情人多诺万(马特·波莫 Matt Bomer 饰)似乎有着更不为人知的秘密。酒店的门店经理丽姿.泰勒(丹尼斯·欧哈拉 Denis O'Hare 饰)与艾瑞斯(凯西·贝茨 Kathy Bates 饰)似乎另有打算。看似平静的一切被一起连环凶杀案打破了,警察约翰(韦斯·本特利 Wes Bentley 饰)进入酒店进行调查,却发现
戴安(维吉妮·艾菲拉 Virginie Efira 饰)刚刚结束了一段失败的婚姻,虽然感情不顺,但戴安拥有美丽的外貌,幽默的个性,开朗的性格,所有人都相信,她一定能够遇到另一段美好的爱情,对此,戴安也做足了心里建设,自信满满。
20年前,强盛的罗马帝国派出由5000精兵组成的罗马第九军团,却在苏格兰高地神秘消失。第九军团首领之子马库斯(查宁·塔图姆 Channing Tatum 饰)骁勇善战,带兵征战在前线。因为在一场战争中严重受伤,他不得不在叔叔家中养伤。养伤期间,马库斯在角斗场中救下一名奴隶埃斯科(杰米·贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰),并将其收为仆人。不久之后,马库斯听闻北方一个部落有人发现了当年父亲遗失的鹰杖,立志为父亲赢回荣誉的他决心远赴北方拿回鹰杖。马库斯带着对北方环境比较熟悉的埃斯科一起出发。路途中主仆二人的关系经历了各种起伏与相互考验。尤其是当他们遇到凶狠的西尔王子(塔哈·拉希姆 Tahar Rahim 饰)后,马库斯发现埃斯科的身份远远不只是个普通的奴隶那么简单。究竟谁掌控着鹰杖,当年的第九军团是如何覆灭的?真相愈加扑朔迷离……
宁采臣(张国荣 饰)与燕赤霞(午马 饰)安葬好小倩的骨灰后,分道扬镳。宁采臣回到世间,正是奸臣当道,朝政混乱,民生困苦的时代。宁偶入一家黑店,险被残杀之际又被捕快误抓入狱,遇到名士诸葛卧龙(谷峰 饰),得其相救。逃出狱后路经一所荒寺,被年青鬼马道士知秋一叶(张学友 饰)缠上,误会不断。山庄中阴森恐布,隐藏着一只巨尸,然巨尸未现,却出现一伙白衣鬼魂。宁偶摘掉其中一女子面具,发现其竟与昔日恋人小倩(王祖贤 饰)一模一样……
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