袁浩云(周润发 饰)是警署侦探,为人正直但行事火爆。他的好友在一次捕匪行动中不幸遇难,令他更加急于报仇。袁正侦探一桩非法军火集团的重案,但为了案件侦破顺利,袁的上司决定让他不再负责此案。此时,袁的女友也离他而去,并对他的敌人产生了感情。这个敌人,正是军火集团里面的头号马仔江浪(梁朝伟 饰)。江郎行事拼命,千方百计博得集团头目信任。袁在追捕中与江相遇,眼看大难临头却发现江放他一马,原来另有内情。
本片是一部洋溢欢笑和喜庆的东北农村贺岁喜剧。讲述东北某贫困村——老烧锅村,前第一书记姜大为(杨志刚 饰)帮扶最后五个“脱贫钉子户”的故事。姜大为带着北京某单位下拨的脱贫专项款,冒着大风雪重返曾经奋斗过的老烧锅村,亲自走访村里最后五户贫困户,挨家挨户吃年饭,了解每户的真实困境,有针对性地“对症下药”,让有着“尖、懒、馋、滑”陋习的村民认识到自身贫困的真正原因,通过搞科技养殖合作社,发挥每个人的特长,使五户贫困户认识到自己的特长和优势,重拾生活的信心,从精神和物质上实现“双脱贫”。
U.S Postal Inspectors are called in when a suburban couple are killed by a mail bomb. Suspicion immediately falls on the couple's estranged and heavily in debt son, who also just happens to be a Navy munitions expert. But investigations reveal that
Ewa returns to her village after a hospital stay. She works on a plantation that grows wild roses. While Ewa was away her mother has been taking care of her children Marysia and Jas. Ewa's husband Andrzej also returns home after working for months in Norway. The time apart has created distance between them. During Marysia's first munion, Ewa starts to feel ill. Her friend Basia drives her home. Basia admits that she leaked the gossip to Andrzej about Ewa's affair with Marcel, a local high school boy. Ewa meets Marcel on the rose plantation. She says that their relationship is over. After Marcel leaves, Marta realizes that Jas, her 2-year-old son, has disappeared. The search begins. After hours a policeman appears and says that Jas has been found. Marta and Andrzej go to the next village and pick up Jas. Ewa returns to the hospital she left a few days before. We discover that Ewa had given birth to a child and put it up for adoption. Ewa wants her child back.
悠斗和青山曾是一对恋人,而今却已断了音讯。随着青山不为人知的黑幕一一揭露 ,在地下俱乐部担任店长的悠斗,开始怀疑自己深爱的男人是否值得等待,对男公关流花的感觉也从同病相怜升华成更深的情感。一件神秘的性玩具,串起了悠斗、流花、青山和柴原四人的过往与现在。这时「雨与苏打水」某位男公关接客时一桩意外杀人事件,让地下俱乐部人心惶惶,在这个追求欲仙欲死的感官世界,真相即将大白……。
Jane, a high school teenager, tries to deal with the discovery that she is a lesbian after developing an intense friendship with another girl who makes her discover her true sexuality, which is only the start of Jane's troubles when Jane's unaccepting mother, Janice, struggles with his surprising revelation of brought forth by her only daughter.
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