在拉斯维加斯的魔术界,无人不知波特(史蒂夫·卡瑞尔 Steve Carell 饰)和安东(史蒂夫·布西密 Steve Buscemi 饰)这对好搭档的大名,他们以高超的技术和迷人的魅力赢得了粉丝们的追捧和喜爱。一次表演中,安东意外受伤,这让他和波特之间的友谊产生了裂痕,当这裂痕随着时间的推移而变得越来越大以至于最终无法收拾之时,也正是两人分道扬镳之日。 失去了安东的支持和陪伴,波特第一次开始了独自一人的艰难奋斗,与此同时,一个名为史蒂夫(金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)的新人魔术师的出现迅速取代了波特在业界的地位。谁能帮助波特挽回昔日的风光和对魔术的热爱?第一个出现在波特脑海中的人是安东。
午后学校的露台上,名叫香奈的女生突然自杀身亡,在场的同学杏子(大岛优子 饰),听到了香奈自杀时哼出的令人毛骨悚然的歌声。事件引起了媒体的骚动,三流杂志《月刊MASACA》的编辑长濑陆(松田龙平 饰)和同时太一(伊势谷有介 饰),经调查找到了事件的根源——曾经唱了十年前发行的流行歌曲《我的花》的人都自杀了。 濑陆从香奈的同学那里得到香奈男朋友的线索,但赶到时他也割腕自杀。之后为了实验“传染歌”,太一带着一群女高中生唱《我的花》,结果太一在当晚便自杀了,第二天部分高中生也相继自杀。感到情况危急的濑陆,带着唱了传染歌的剩余人,向拥有灵异能力的方丈(阿部宽 饰)求助……
青年郭振华(成龙 饰)赴港谋求发展,路见不平之下卷入两派黑帮争斗,却阴差阳错做了帮派大哥,郭振华反思此一段奇遇,发觉是街边卖花的玫瑰夫人(归亚蕾 饰)将好运带给了自己,自此谈判、出门前总要购买玫瑰夫人的玫瑰以求心安。郭振华将帮派所属丽池饭店改为夜总会经营,饭店前任老板之女杨露明(梅艳芳 饰)出于还债在夜总会表演结果大红大紫,郭杨二人更发展出了一段恋情。觊觎夜总会生意多时的福建帮频频向郭振华发难,郭一如既往向玫瑰夫人求运,意外发现玫瑰夫人正身陷更大的麻烦,原来她为使外地的女儿安心读书编造了自己堂皇的身份
Totally unawares, Saverio, a teacher and Mario, a janitor of the same school in which they both work, travel back in time and find themselves in central Italy at the end of the 15th century. They carry with them an unresolved squabble concerning Saverio’s sister, creating a lot of tension between the two, which will increase in the plot. From this moment on they will have to come to grips with the grotesque situation they find themselves in, trying to "hitch a lift" back to the future in a most outlandish way, using and misusing their foresight of the events taking place round that time, and generally making fools of themselves in the eyes of "normal" renaissance folks. Their meeting with Leonardo da Vinci is hysterical, when they become more and more convinced that the genius is in reality a moron. Another character they meet is Savonarola the heretic, who enjoins them to repent, before he is taken to the stake, eliciting some breezy comment from them. If it weren’t for a weird kind of homesickness, they would quite enjoy living in this period, full of daring fashions and tantalising damsels. The couple shows great chemistry and is funny in every respect. The psychology of their characters is complex and credible - for once comical roles with a depth. Basically, Saverio is an embittered petit-bourgeois forever attracted and rejected by women, envious of Mario, an easy-going proletarian every woman falls in love with. Saverio is scheming, mean and vindictive as much as Mario is naive, generous and forgiving. What a match of talents: Roberto Benigni and Massimo Troisi at the peak of combined creativity. Too bad they will never come back together for another joint venture. Or maybe it is better this way: masterpieces of this level cannot be improved on, at best they can be imitated. For this reason Non ci resta che piangere will shine like a gem in the crown of the best Italian movies of all times. Sadly not many people seem to have seen it, not even in Italy, where the viewers do not need subtitles to enjoy the hilarious juggling of the two actors with the language, but their body language can be universally appreciated. If you miss it you will have to repent!
Every year, 310 killings in France go unsolved, leaving the victims' crushed families in a state of endless grief. The French judicial system is implacable: there's no money to continue investigating cases that lead nowhere. Hunting down murderers to help bereaved families get justice is more than just a job, it's a duty for Thomas Bareski, a retired, hotshot police detective. ...
孔武有力的瑞迪克(范·迪塞尔 Vin Diesel 饰)终于坐上组织的宝座,强兵悍将拜倒阶下,与此同时又有更多野心家蠢蠢欲动,时刻准备取代他的位置。直到某天,瑞迪克被亲信哄骗离开舰队,启程返回阔别已久...
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